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(A new article from Kathy Bornheimer)

Career Transitions have become almost necessary since the beginning of the 21st century. Some people have been doing it since the early 1980’s; others are just going through their first one. As an experienced (and successful) career changer, I’m able to use my own experiences in my Career Coaching practice. The one rule that remains consistent is what I call the ABC step program. When changing careers it best to go from point A to point B and then point C (if necessary). The leap from A to C is often too far, thus seldom successful. I have been through the A, B, C and now D program as I’m in my 4th career over a 35 year period.

Remember, changing jobs is not the same as changing careers. While it can be simultaneous (my choices were), it’s not necessary.

Read more and learn the the 5 essential steps: